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Expert Testimony

Tony V. Sawyer, Consulting Hydrogeologist, PG 4345, CHg 40, CEG 1392


A designated Subject Matter Expert, having testified in numerous cases on a variety of issues including:

    Impacts of high groundwater on residences

    Influence of groundwater on activation of landslides

    Sources of contamination on commercial and residential properties

    Defended other consultants on Standards of Practice issues

    Aided the Attorney General's office in civil and criminal cases against incompetent and unlicensed practice

Key Benefits

bullet State-designated Subject Matter Expert
bullet Highly experienced in the critical review of geologic work
bullet Rapid response to short timeframes



 Standard of practice

(1)   What constitutes the practice of geology or geophysics

(2)   What is the minimum level of care for the industry

(3)   What is the level of accuracy of scientific measurements

(4)   What is the accuracy of computer modelling

 Groundwater effects on landslides

(1)   Elevation of groundwater levels trigger slides

(2)   Natural versus man-made groundwater sources

(3)   Short-term rainfall events versus long-term climate trends

(4)   Acceleration of failure due to surface infiltration

High groundwater conditions impacting properties

(1)   Surface instability from saturation

(2)   Improper drainage

(3)   Water damage to structures and improvements

(4)   Human health issues

Groundwater ownership rights

(1)   Historic use of resource

(2)   Source of groundwater

(3)   Diversion of spring flow

(4)   Loss through excessive pumping

Property contamination liability

(1)   Groundwater chemistry

(2)   Fate & transport analyses

(3)   Computer modelling

(4)   Artificial recharge

(5)   Infiltration analyses




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Copyright � 2009 Tony V. Sawyer, Consulting Hydrogeologist
Last modified: 10/17/09