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Tony V. Sawyer, Consulting Hydrogeologist, PG 4345, CHg 40, CEG 1392


The assessment of available groundwater resources can be a deciding factor on the usability of a site.  Ensuring that the development and use of such resources is sustainable and won't result in the degradation of the quantity or quality of the groundwater is paramount.  By applying the latest technologies along with solid hydrogeological methodologies, optimal utilization of groundwater resources can be achieved.

Key Benefits

bullet Cost effective
bullet Expedited assessment
bullet Practical solutions


1)        Groundwater Resources

i)        Groundwater Production

(1)   Basin studies

(2)   Aquifer testing

(3)   Well siting

(4)   Production well design

(5)   Monitoring well network design and optimization

(6)   Infiltration analyses

(7)   Groundwater chemistry

ii)      Water quality protection

(1)   Fate & transport analyses

(2)   Nitrate mass-balance analyses

(3)   Groundwater chemistry

(4)   Saltwater intrusion

(5)   Groundwater barrier design

iii)    Natural Spring Certification

(1)   Verification of groundwater source

(2)   Groundwater chemistry

(3)   Aquifer testing

(4)   Well siting

(5)   Production well design

iv)    Artificial recharge

(1)   Infiltration analyses

(2)   Groundwater mounding

(3)   Computer modelling



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Copyright � 2009 Tony V. Sawyer, Consulting Hydrogeologist
Last modified: 10/17/09